Auto Services
  • Wide and complete range of auto services under one roof. This Total-Car-Care concept coupled with our convenient locations offers customers value-added service in terms of convenience, reliability, quality and swift delivery.
  • Convenient one-stop Accident Reporting and Repair for motorists. Car owners can now make their accident report at Falcon-Air without the hassle of going to the office of respective insurance companies.
  • Network of self-owned and affiliated workshops to service motorists in times of need, 24 hours a day, both in Singapore and West Malaysia.
  • Well equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and equipment which includes the latest WHEEL ALIGNMENT machine and DIAGNOSTIC host. Together with a fully computerized, LAN-enabled system linking the head office and inland-wide outlets.


wheel aligning at falcon-air



Your One-Stop Quality Workshop and Accident Reporting Centre for:

India insurance NTUC Income insurance Liberty Insurance

Great Eastern InsuranceLonpac Insurance Tokio Marine Insurance MSi general insurance



Falcon-Air offers a ONE-STOP ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT SERVICE to provide you convenience and speed of service delivery.

To ensure that your vehicle is continually performing at its peak, schedule regular servicing with US!

Complete accident management service includes:
•   File your Accident and Insurance Company Report
•   Assistance and advice in your accident claims
•   Qualified technicians and mechanics
•   State-of the art electronic diagnostic tools
•   Computerized wheel alignment
•   Diagnostic alignment test
•   Replacement vehicle**
•   24-Hr Towing Service
•   Repair of mechanical and engine components
•   Repairs of electrical component parts
•   Batteries, tyres and other vehicle components and parts
•   General body reconstruction : panel beating, welding, spray painting
•   Installation and repair of vehicle air-conditioners
•   Windscreen replacement
** This service only applies to certain insurance policy holders. Please check with our friendly staff regarding your eligibility.


Falcon’s Corner